the divine history of the Anglican church of the resurrection, newark nJ

We are a faith-driven community committed to worshiping God, growing spiritually, and serving others with love of christ.

“Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every joint with which it is supplied, when each part is working properly, makes bodily growth and upbuilds itself in love.” – Ephesians 4:15-16

The Church: How We Came To Be

The Anglican Church of the Resurrection, “ACR,” was born from a belly of desperation and circumstance, conceived by the Spirit of God in search of a peaceful worship environment for Christ-like teaching and missionary work. On Sunday, March 29, 2014, Reverend Canon Chukwuma Izuehie resigned his position as the Rector of Igbo Anglican Church (now Christ Anglican Church), Irvington, New Jersey, at the request of The Right Reverend Dr. Felix Orji, Diocesan Bishop of the Missionary Diocese of CANA West. Some members condemned this unjust treatment of Canon Izuehie and they decided to seek God in His fullness, outside the walls of the Igbo Anglican Church. These men and women strengthened their solid spiritual faith in God and worshiped Him in truth and love.

The Meetings of Brethren: God said It; We Believe It

On Wednesday, April 2, 2014, 4 days after the resignation of Rev Canon Chukwuma Izuehie, the first prayer meeting was hosted at a member’s home with 14 people in attendance. The second prayer meeting was held Sunday, April 6, 2014, at another member’s home “and the faithful gathered and praised God,” as described in Psalm 150:1-6. There were 31 total worshipers in attendance. At this prayer meeting is when the attendees decided they would seek the assistance of Venerable Professor Joe Omeokwe of the Vineyard Ministries and the then Archdeacon of the Northeast of the Missionary Diocese of the Trinity under the leadership of the Right Revered Amos Fagbamiye, Bishop of the Missionary Diocese of the Trinity (MDT). Soon after, select members presented to Ven. Prof. Joe Omokwe and he promised the delegation that he would guide the faithful in planting a new church in New Jersey and assured his full assistance and cooperation.

On April 10, 2014, another faithful family hosted the third prayer meeting at their residence. During this meeting, discussions regarding locations for a place of worship as well as fundraising for musical equipment commenced. Members were instrumental every step of the way. An event hall was secured for worship at 497 Central Avenue, Newark, New Jersey and on Palm Sunday, April 13, 2014, the first service was conducted at this location. The service was presided over by Ven. Prof. Joe Omeokwe and assisted by Rev. Canon Chukwuma Izuehie. This inaugural event marked the birth of “the church,” named, “The Anglican Church of the Resurrection” or “ACR.” After approval of the church name by Rt. Rev. Amos Fagbamiye, the church rented a vicarage for the pastor, Rev. Canon C. Izuehie in East Orange,NJ. Moving forward, the event hall served as the temporary home for ACR’s Sunday and Midweek services.

Leaders, Confirmations and Harvests: The Firsts of Many

On April 23, 2015, the Rector of ACR Newark, New Jersey, Rev. Canon C. Izuehie, in consultation with the congregation, appointed an interim eight-member vestry to pilot the church’s affairs. Appointed positions were Chairman, Pastor’s Warden, People’s Warden, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Women’s Leader and Men’s Leader.

The Anglican Church of the Resurrection, Newark, New Jersey, applied to the Missionary Diocese of the Trinity (MDT) for admission. On August 17, 2014, the Anglican Bishop of

MDT, Rt. Rev. Amos Fagbamiye, paid his first Episcopal visit to the church, and the church was officially legitimized.  February 1, 2015 – the Anglican Church of the Resurrection hosted the Missionary Diocese of the Trinity (MDT) in licensing Lay Readers/Ministers for the Northeast Archdeaconry. Evangelist Charles Okoroji of ACR was one of the licensed. April 9, 2014 – the first Council of Knighthood, 2 couples, were recognized. April 12, 2015 –  ACR at the celebration of our 1-year anniversary hosted the Diocesan Bishop and Mama ADOTT for the service of the first confirmation candidates, admission to Mother’s Union, and enrolment to Women’s Guild. The church leadership was constituted by dedicated members, servants of God who volunteered their time, talent, and commitment to the service of God. Church departments/positions included Hospitality, Gospel and Choir, Cross Bearer, Ushers, Choir/Band Leader and Children’s Ministry/ Trinity Youth Movement. On October 12, 2014, ACR’s First Annual Harvest successfully took place. The fruit was bounteous and there was food in the house of the Lord.

To usher in 2015, themed “My Turning Point Year,” the Anglican Church of the Resurrection started the new year with a 15-Day Daniel Fast beginning January 1 1, 2015. This “turning around” season was led by the spiritually filled Rev. Canon C. Izuehie and the soldiers of Christ of The Anglican Church of the Resurrection marched on from strength to strength. The church then began to develop an interest in purchasing a property that would accommodate the expansion. Subsequently, a building fund, with weekly collections, was started to support this new endeavor.

Challenges and Triumphs: The Journey to Grain Street

On January 22, 2016, ACR lost a large sum of funds in an auction for a property to house a church building. At the time, the young church could not qualify for financing from banks due to the standard bank requirement of at least 3 years of existence as an entity. This unsuccessful attempt came with a lot of stress, heartbreak, and discouragement. It was a trying period for the young congregation.

Notwithstanding, the church as a whole continued to persevere, seek council and held on to the promises of God; Psalm 46:1-“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble,” and Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Over the next few years, ACR continued to host annual harvests, grow its congregation, and participate widely in Diocesan affairs, and on Saturday, November 17, 2018, Rev. Canon Chukwuma Izuehie was preferred as the Archdeacon of the Northeast Archdeaconry by The Rt. Rev Amos Fagbamiye, the Diocesan Bishop of ADOTT

On Friday, May 21, 2021, ACR purchased their current church building located at 19-21 Grain Street, Newark, NJ. The first service at Grain Street on May 23, 2022 (Pentecost Sunday) marked the church’s relocation to a permanent position.  On June 19, 2022, the new church building of the Anglican Church of the Resurrection was dedicated by the Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of the Church of Nigeria, The Most Reverend Dr. Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba. On July 20-23, 2023, ACR hosted the 2nd Session of the 4th SYNOD, themed: Grow in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By the special Grace of God through his Divine Mercy, Anglican Church of the Resurrection, Newark, NJ will be celebrating its 10th Year Anniversary from May 17th through May 19th, 2024. To God Be All the Glory

From generation to generation, The Anglican Church of the Resurrection (ACR) will be a beacon of light and a pillar of hope amongst all Anglican Churches in the tri-state of New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut and the Diaspora in general. “You, God, are awesome in your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people. Praise be to God!!!” – Psalm 68:35

Progress Statement from the Rector/ Archdeacon’s Office:

“ACR has come a long way to where we are now. We had faced battles and orchestrated attacks from within and outside targeted at destabilizing the church and causing us to lose focus. However, in all these, the good Lord did not allow us to lose focus of our goal nor derail from the path he had set before us, I and my wife under the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit are poised to keep working hard in building the spiritual base of this church and the Archdeaconry that is committed to our charge, to strive to model our lives after the pattern of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to steadfastly uphold the sanctity of the word of God and create an atmosphere where the Spirit of God dwells. We shall continue to do the work of an evangelist and reach out to those outside the fold with the aim of bringing them back to the fold. Where there will be one shepherd and one sheepfold. We shall continue with church planting and expansion of the work of God.”

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